For Fiber Optics

Far East HDPE Microduct for Fiber Optics

In today’s world where technology, data and connectivity are more integral than ever, Atlanta empowers high-speed telecommunications netowrkd with a comprehensive range of innovative products, from HDPE Microducts to advance accessories.

With the fast demands of network today, the HDPE Microducts allow for a more economic and advantageous method for optic fiber installation through better utilization of space within existing ducts.

Microducts are typically small-diameter, flexible, or semi-flexible, while ducts are larger in diameter. They are designed to provide clean, continuous, low-friction paths for placing optical cables that have relatively low-pulling tension limits.

Microducts are made of the highest quality HDPE outer layer with smooth inner layer.

All production is made according to specification of DIN 8074/ 8075.


  Utility Companies
Broadband Network
Government Project